

The web is an incredible resource, and finding good, reliable sources of information when helping our children is essential.  Each site on this list has been visited by me. 

Recently added links in red so you can easily see what is newThis week I have added some great websites and cleaned out some dated items. Enjoy!

  •  is Ross Greene's website, very informative, Excellent resource for parents and teachers. (Reading Greene’s book, Lost at School, gave me the tools I needed to 
  • advocate for my child, and is still central to my philosophy and work as an educator).
  • is a web resource led by Kari Dunn Buron, known by some as the Social Skills Guru.  I found this site a great resource, and particularly liked the escalation scale which I printed for school staff, to inform them about interacting with my son when he was angry.  There are many resources available to purchase, including When My Worries Get too Big a customizable book for children, and other 5point scale tools.
  • is the site for the Asperger's Association of New England and is a great resource for local-ish events, groups, and so on.  Not to mention a reliable source for Asperger information.
  • is a great resource for parents and educators with examples of Social Stories and also a free newsletter highlighting a variety of social challenges and tips for handling and teaching children to navigate them more successfully.
  •  I enjoyed reading this as a Gen X parent and I think it would be useful from a teaching perspective as well.  If teachers can understand what a parent's thinking may be, I think it will be easier to form a positive working relationship with parent.
  •  This article is great for parents who have a child who has recently been diagnosed with autism.  It includes an overview of the stages of grief we parents go through as well as helpful tips for helping your family cope.
  • These are signs to look for at a reliable site with lots of other helpful links.  This is a great website for listening to award winning authors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, advocates inform us in ways to help our children.

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