

Ready for the day?

I am not ready.  It is Monday and there is so much I haven't done to prepare for the week.  Meals aren't ready.  Kids' papers fluttered across the kitchen counter on Friday lay still, cluttering the expanse.  I am pretty sure my favorite pants are still crumpled in a pile of dirty laundry that grew over the weekend instead of being washed and returned to drawers.

I take a sip of hot tea, strong and just a little sweet.
And then I take another.  I calm my thoughts.  I make a plan in my mind for supper.  I decide what I can wear today.  Papers only take a moment to gather.  I will throw a load of laundry in before my shower and waking the kids.

As I finish my last sip of tea, I know I am now, at least a little bit more . . .ready.


Maureen said...

I don't like Mondays where I feel unready! I, too, feel a quiet cup of tea helps to brace me for the week. I'm so in awe that you wrote this on your phone! I need to check out the app. Happy Slicing!!

Donna Smith said...

Yes, the Blogger app is great! I've used it to post AND to make corrections when I've gotten somewhere and my husband says "Do you know you have a typo today?"
Can't drink tea in the morning...but it is just right at night to end the day on a calming note. Hope your day went well!

Jaana said...

I was drinking tea this morning as I commented on some blogs early. Definitely a great start for the day. I have never used the app to write a post, only to read. Maybe I need toe experiment,